Just at sunset, majesty flies up the river in the body of a Golden Eagle, the world lies still and quiet as he passes. I believe there may be one less catfish in the waters tonight. He follows the curve, veers over the bridge and disappears into the giant Cottonwoods
A pair of Mississippi Kites are nesting near the house, you can hear their screee screee all afternoon and into the evening.
The Wrens, winner of the song volume per ounce of bird contest, are back in the Osage Orange behind the garage
The weather has flip-flopped like a Republican with a tax bill. The temperature is a full seventy degrees warmer than it was a mere five days ago. You take these things in stride if you live in the Midwest. I would miss them terribly if I ever moved away
It’s days like this that you begin to understand that spring is very real, and very near, and you start to believe that a good dose of springtime might just cure this old world of all its troubles
Hold that thought, you might need it later