Loft is a factor of air density and wing shape
velocity is a product of forward thrust and the
sheer joy of flight, altitude
is determined by the shape of the ground below.
Persistence is essential in the history of flight, just
old bicycle parts and bias-stretched fabric over light ash.
We can hold hands in a circle and feel the same release,
the return of gravity’s gift, the treasure of nonchalance
We are addressing nature’s toll on those remaining.
We all want to cry out when the airliner finally drags its
impossible weight into the air, although most do not,
it’s embarrassing to be that connected to oblivion
There may be ways to fly with smaller wings,
Little wings that will still let us see the ground, let us
count the dust devils and the spiders web
Let us reach across the gulf without fear or intervention
Just a little wing to hold our nose against a flower
or to put the night chill inside a sweater of our own choosing.
Just a simple rise above the treetops at the last minute,
before the last obstacle, before the empty sky
before the last obstacle, before the empty sky